Top 10 Places for Photography in India

Bought a camera and still clicking the stray cats and neighborly crows? You better latch on to some holiday packages and breeze through destinations where your eyes (and camera) will do all the talking.
Here is a small teeny tiny list of top 10 places for photography in India:


It touches the cloud, it has a sensational landscape, the air has a nip to it, the windows are misty all the time, the birds sing across the Pangong Lake and the silence of the monks at Buddhist monasteries inspires.
Best time to photograph: July- September


From the palaces of Udaipur to the forts of Jaipur, from the markets at Jodhpur to the dunes at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan is replete with click-worthy places.
Most photogenic attractions: Amer Fort (Jaipur), Mehrangarh Fort (Jodhpur), Thar Desert

Taj Mahal, Agra

For using that wide angle, Taj Mahal is your perfect model. Most India holiday packages include Agra in their itineraries. This 17th century monument, built by Shah Jahan for Mumtaz, is one of the most photographed monuments in the world.
Some vantage points for capturing the Taj: The Taj Mahal complex, Mehtab Bagh (situated nearby), from a boat or ferry on the River Yamuna


Varanasi (or Benares) with its spiritual and vintage charm gives you some unique photographs. Uttar Pradesh’s biggest draw gets our votes for its deluge of 80 river Ghats along the River Ganga.

Best spot to take pictures: Manikarnika Ghat


Tamil Nadu’s small town Madurai is a must-visit for a photo spam of temples. Meenakshi Temple, counted amongst the best temples in India, is situated here.
Best time to visit: In April during the 12-day Chithirai Festival

Golden Temple, Amritsar

Situated in Amritsar in the middle of a water tank, it offers a sight that deserves to be captured. The gold surface of the temple reflects in the waters of the sarovar and the whole place is bathed in resplendent golden light.
Trivia: Golden Temple is also known as Har Mandir Sahib

Caves of Maharashtra

Maharashtra houses some historic caves whose artistic and archaic beauty cannot be expressed through words. You will tire of clicking but the sculptures wont tire of posing.
Most photogenic caves: Ajanta, Ellora, Elephanta (in Mumbai)


For photographers who revel in ruins, South India’s Hampi should be an idyllic destination. With rocks, boulders and bits of old monuments strewn about everywhere, Hampi is a charmer.
What you should know: This Karnataka town can look spooky and you will find it hard to get fast food here. The ruins and the Hampi Bazaar should whet your camera’s appetite, though.


With backwaters, forts, beaches, palm trees, fishermen, hamlets and churches, Kerala is one of the most photogenic things God ever made (they call it God’s Own Country). You should be there with your camera dangling across your neck and vouchers of India tour packages clutched firmly in your hands.
Best in Kerala in terms of photography: Cochin (especially Fort Kochi), Munnar and Alleppey


Also known as Calcutta, the capital of West Bengal is your best getaway for capturing hand-drawn rickshaw pullers, old buildings from the Raj era and the snail-paced trams. Plus, there are beggars (always a favorite with the photographers).
Must-visit places for photography: Esplanade, Park Street, Kalighat Temple, Howrah Bridge